Saturday, July 16, 2011

Summer Escape 2011

Sweet Friends and Family!

Interning at PSM has been crazy and exciting, but such a wonderful experience. This week we headed to Ohiopyle, Pennsylvania for Summer Escape (for the Dentonians that is the Great Adventure but for HS students).  It was such a sweet time with students! Crazy things happened on this trip that we didn't see coming but God was good and faithful to keep us safe! I have so many fun memories of this trip I can't even process them all!

We left on Monday and drove for most of the day. When we go there it was raining but Peter and the guys were so good at organizing and putting up the tents and setting up camp! We had some really great worship and talked bout what this week was going to look like and how we were going to be looking at Psalm 119! Then we milk and cookies and played mafia!

Tuesday we all got up and had breakfast then went to a park and played some ultimate (so much fun). We took a hike and got to see a beautiful scenic over view! Then we went to a place where there were some natural water slides that a river had carved out. It was an exciting experience but because of the extra rain it was not something we did for long because it didn't seem super safe, so we left early.

Wednesday we went rafting. Two of our three rafts did not have guides, so Tyler and Peter had to guide the other two (I was in the raft that did have a guide)! But the guys did so great! We definitely had some great moments were students fell out of rafts and at lunch the head guy was like "And chivalry isn't dead here on the river so ladies come on up and make a sandwich, and when you're done you can make yourself." Haha! the guys thought that was so funny! Then when we got back a group went to the park again to play ultimate! We had a super sweet time of worship this night because two of our upcoming senior girls lead it! There is just something always so encouraging to see students using their gifts God has given them to glorify Him! Gives me chills! Thursday we drove home!

So now we are gearing up for Sports World that is coming up with this week! Keaton came in last night and will be running our games again! Which is a HUGE blessing! I am so excited to see what it is going to look like this year! When I came 3 years ago, VA had never seen it, so I'm excited to see how they have taken it and improved it to meet their own needs!

Prayer Requests:
-SportsWorld, for safety and that the Gospel would be boldly proclaimed and seen in the lives of the students running it!
-Japan Mission Trip, that they would finish support raising and be preparing their hearts as well as the hearts of those they will be in contact with!

Love Y'all!

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