Sunday, June 19, 2011

Summer is Finally Here in VA!!!

Hey Sweet Friends and Family!

This week I got to start working on summer stuff! I found out that I am going to DC for a mission trip that leaves next Sunday (June 26th) and we will be there till the next Saturday! I'm super excited because this gives me some great car time with students! (As many of you know, that's when we get to know our students the best and make them do some of the most ridiculous things!) I LOVE it! So, I've been gearing up for that! I have also been getting ready for Summer Escape which is another trip (like the Great Adventure for Dentonians) that we will be taking to Pennsylvania the week before Sports World! But I have been working most on Sports World because those other 2 trips for the most part are already planned, so I have been working on games and making sports binders! The theme this summer is "Rescue" based off  Galatians 1:4! It is going to be a great event this summer!

I have also been meeting so many amazing people from the church! I think it is so funny how busy interns are because everyone wants to have us over thinking we don't have that much to do, but I'm pretty sure me and Eliza are 2 of the busiest people here! (just kidding!) But in all seriousness, it has been so amazing to see how welcoming the PCC body has been! I feel like in Denton sometimes we miss people because we are so large and that is such a shame! I was telling someone who was asking about DBC that yes at lease 1 leader will know every student but I go up to people and think they are new and they have been coming for 5 months. And that is not bad at all! It is just so cool to see what a smaller church is like!

Prayer Requests:
-Safe travel for the DC trip
-Open heart for our team as well as the people we will come in contact with
-good time management

Love Y'all!


Sunday, June 12, 2011

She's the Intern from Texas.....

Hey Friends and Family!

It has been another amazing week! I officially starting working this Tuesday. For those who don't know the story: I had to have my passport for tax purposes or I had to have a million photo IDs, which I did not have. So I had to have my room mate search through all of my packed up boxes  to find my passport! And she mailed it to me! So I got to start working on Tuesday!!!

I got to drive under water this week! Yes, I did type that correctly! I drove in an underwater tunnel to get to another peninsula in Virginia, so I drove under water! Isn't that cool? I also found a beach this week and got to meet one of the other interns! She is so sweet and I have really enjoyed getting to know her! Other than that this week was super chill and so will next week for the most part! But after that the summer will really launch and then the magic happens!

The Lord has really been working on my heart here! I am continually amazed at how Wonderful and Good He is! 1 Corinthians 10: 13 says "No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is FAITHFUL, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what  you are able, but with temptation [He] will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it." This has been such an amazing encouragement to me because, God knows when you are going to face trials, but He WILL NOT leave yo alone in them! That has been such a blessing to be able to walk with!

Thank you for your prayers! I have totally been able to feel them being answered!
Prayer Requests:
-D.C. mission trip for the PSM students in a couple weeks
-Patience for learning my way around Yorktown/ Newport News
-Continue to meet (and remember) PCC students and families

Love Y'all!

Monday, June 6, 2011

"Do you like Decorating?"

Hey Sweet Friends and Family!

If you are in Denton, I am starting to miss y'all very much but I'm super excited for what God is going to be doing in Virginia! I haven't been here for very long but already I can tell this is going to be an amazing summer! So, I got here on Wed and I basically just chilled Thursday with my host family and went grocery shopping with Mrs. Cubstead (such a precious lady!) On Friday was when the magic started! I got my grand tour of PCC. It has changed so much from 3 years ago when I was here! The Lord has done so much here! I also got to go to the 5th-8th grade end of school year fiesta! It was so much fun! We played games, had 2 pinatas, and danced, what an exciting night! Saturday was chile and I went bowling with the Cubsteads that night! (I rocked by the way! Just in case you're wondering!) Then Sunday was the craziest thing ever! We went to Sunday school at 9, then what I would call Big Church at 10:30! After church, I stayed with some of the students to work the book sale (They are taking a mission trip to DC in a few weeks and it was a fundraiser to help with support). Lunch with some of my new friends at Chipolte! (ps on a side note: I found out I can eat there if i get a bowl and not hot sauce!!!! YaY!!!!) Then I went back to help set up for the HS end of year party, which was so wonderful! I couldn't believe that those freshmen that I met 3 years ago are senior! They are such amazing men and women of God! It is so encouraging to see what God has done in their lives! The students don't get out of school for 2 more weeks, so there won't be a whole lot of events coming up, just a lot of getting ready for the summer!

God is so good and I am so excited (excited isn't a good enough word but I can't come up with a better on) to see how God is going to use me and teach me this summer! I was reminded last night that  God provides our needs in ways we can't even imagine, and a lot of times He provides them even before we realize that we are going to need help! I was so encouraged by this!

Prayer Requests:
-The D.C. trip coming up at the end of June! Safety, support, hearts of our students and those who they will meet!
-Just getting used to Virginia and getting the lay of the land!

Love y'all!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

My New Home Away From Home

Hey Friends and Family!

I'm here in Yorktown, Virginia! I drove to Nashville on Tuesday and then the rest of the way to Yorktown yesterday. My host family is wonderful! They have 4 kids still living at home! It's kind of fun since I've never lived with siblings! Their oldest is a freshman in high school and their youngest is in Kindergarten. They live in a neighborhood with lots of families and a few of the families from PCC live here!

On Friday I will get to go to my first PSM event! Its a end of year party for the 5th-8th graders. And on Sunday we will have church and the high schooler's end of year party! So today and tomorrow will just be settling in and getting used to the area!

My new Address is:
119 Tiger Paw Path
Yorktown, VA 23693

Love Y'all!